About the Badladns!

What is it

The Badladns is an unstructured, unmanaged, and totally underfunded art collective.

We badladners do things together, or maybe alone and introspectively.

We can handle small projects and big projects, and whatever we do, we do it because we believe in doing it.

We are weird, we enjoy that, and we are glad you are here.

Welcome to the Badladns ❤

What do we do

We do art

We do interactive media

We do videogames - this is what we gathered to do in the first place

We do help others do things

Who are we

The badladns is founded by these two handsome lads:

Carlos Jambrina
  • Illustrateur magnificient
  • Technically wonderful
  • Eats really healthy
Rafa de la Hoz
  • Creative extraordinaire
  • Scholar of game design
  • Likes weird things

There are others that interact with us, they will find their way here eventually.

You can also reach us at the@badladns.com